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CARE, Inc. Donor Angels


Animals' lives are saved thanks to all the angels who donate to CARE, Inc. With these donations, we are able to provide routine medical care, preventative vaccinations, and life-saving treatments for sick and injured animals. We are able to pay pull fees to get animals out of kill shelters before they are euthanized. We are able to run transports to get animals from local kill shelters to no-kill rescues in other states that have space for them. We would like to recognize the angels who make this all possible. Thank you!


Diamond Angels

$1000 +


2nd Wind Heating & Air

Mickey and Betty Lawler

2nd Wind Heating & Air










Golden Angels

$501 - $1000



$201 - $500


Guardian Angels

$51 - $200



$10 - $50

P. O. Box 715 •  Lexington, SC 29071  •  (803) 622-9813 •  caretoadopt [ at ]